Aug 18, 2023
Jaffa Cakes
I made these magnificent beasts for a tea party recently. I’m happy to report they went down mightily well. In the sugary days of yore, whilst I might have happily snaffled a Jaffa Cake if one was on offer, they wouldn’t necessarily have been my first choice. These freshly baked ones though, with just the tiniest hint of warm ginger and their generous layers of chocolate and zingy orange jelly are in another league. They ooze flavour! Read more
Mar 31, 2022
Chocolate and Salted Caramel Biscuits

Biscuits are a once in a blue moon treat for me these days, so when that rare opportunity comes around, the biscuit in question had better be a good one! And these beauties definitely meet the criteria. Not only have they irresistible flavour – (salted caramel with dark sweet choc –HELL YES!!) they’re super satiating too. No more munching your way absent-mindedly through half a packet (…oh, was that just me then?) This treat hits several birds with one gorgeous biscuit. Read more