Sep 2, 2021
Savoury Cake
This post is for anyone else out there whose sugar avoidance extends to reducing carbohydrate consumption too.
Since switching to low carb eating, I’ve found the meal that’s takes the most ingenuity to replace is the packed lunch - have you? If I were to prepare a meal that needed to remain intact at the bottom of a backpack AND look fresh and appetising a few hours later – I’d have formerly turned to things like tortilla wraps, pitta bread or perhaps a little pastry covered number. (I’m not that keen on salads that have gone warm and wilty, nor having to pack separate dressings and cutlery).
We’re usually pretty disparaging towards those who re-invent the wheel but where do you stand on re-inventing the cake? Read more
Jun 23, 2019
Chocolate Babka

This is a bit of a wide ball. It contains wheat flour for a start…. Eek!
AND….it’s got a tiny teaspoon of molasses in it… What???? Read more
Jun 12, 2019
Cream Tea - the healthy version
I’m pushed to think of a more heavenly way of passing a Summer afternoon than feasting al fresco upon a glorious cream tea. The genteel tinkling of cutlery on china, birdies chirruping in the shrubbery, may be a stream doing a spot of babbling in the background…….
I assumed those days were gone for me -- given that conventional scones and jam are enough to send blood sugar levels to the moon and back. But thankfully I've created this low carb recipe that's every bit as delicious (if not - dare I say - even more delicious) than the wheat flour ones I used to make. Read more