All the recipes in this blog are free from refined sugar and use either zero or low sugar natural sweeteners. 

The recipes are aim to be as low carb as possible too so they are all grain and gluten free – (except for one rogue cake that slipped in!).

Raspberry Friands

I like to keep my finger on the cake pulse in the wider sugary world and I can’t help noticing that friands seem to have become a bit of a thing these days. Any trendy café worth its salt usually has at least one on offer. And no wonder - it turns out they’re super yum.Read more

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Walnut Rosemary and Olive Bread

I’m throwing you a wide ball. Why? Because this is a little gem. Admittedly it’s not a sweet gem, but if like me you’re giving up sugar for health reasons, you may well be one of the growing numbers of people cutting down or avoiding carbs too. If you are, and you’re like me, it’s always so useful to find good, delicious options to replace bread and especially yum recipes for food on the go.Read more

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Blueberry Muffins

One of the best things about muffins is that they give us full licence to eat cake for breakfast. What more compelling reason could there be for getting out of bed? Read more

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Plum and Blackberry Friand Bake

This heavenly dessert is an Ottolenghi recipe I came across recently. And what a beauty it is too – to see and to savour.  Only a couple of tweaks were needed to make this recipe low carb with minimal sugars. Read more

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Fudgey Marble Brownie

This is such a pretty wee cake. It’s also creamy chocolate fudge bliss on a plate. And ultimately that’s what matters the most.
It would be perfectly reasonable to assume that the gorgeous, soft chocolate wodge that defines a brownie, can’t possibly be improved upon. But try adding a delicious vanilla cheesecake cream to that aforementioned wodge and I think you’ll find that it can! Read more
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